Try this simple, accessible and effective sequence to strengthen your entire core: the anterior abdominals, the iliopsoas, the elements of trunk rotation and the back of the trunk.
Postures 1-4 are all inclined, accessible and effective anterior core strengtheners. They also teach neuromuscular coordination of arm balances and are a great way to help develop these postures. Hold each for 20 to 40 seconds and do as many repetitions as you like.
Postures 5-6 are essentially seated core strengthening exercises. Paripurna Navasana, which is more vertical, focuses more on strengthening your iliopsoas and other hip flexors, while Ardha Navasana, which is more horizontal, helps isolate and strengthen your abs. Do a few reps of each, holding them for 15 to 30 seconds each.
Postures 7 to 13 are a progression of arm balances strengthening the core. If any of them are inaccessible, simply repeat the accessible poses a few more times or perform the reclined version of the pose!
Poses 14-15 complete the sequence by strengthening the back of your core, particularly locust pose. Repeat locust pose 3 times and hold for 20 to 40 seconds. The bridge, of course, is less of a posterior strengthening than a means of releasing tension in the front of the body after this demanding sequence.
Posture 16 helps us release tension and soften our center. Don’t skip this step: we need to release unconscious stress from our hearts if we want a balanced practice. Feel free to add other postures that help you relax.
{illustrations by MCKIBILLO}
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The post Yoga Sequence for Core Strength appeared first on The Jason Crandell Yoga Method.